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  1. #1
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск

    Мюзиклы и рок-оперы

    Можно было просто назвать тему мюзиклы, так как рок-оперы входят в понятие мюзиклы, но решила выделить все-таки
    Предлагаю в этой новой теме (а старая испарилась вместе со старым форумом) не только обсуждать мюзиклы, но и выкладывать, у кого что есть для ознакомительного прослушивания.
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  2. #2
    Открытый геймер Аватар для Komandarm
    Уже писал и напишу снова: для меня единственный интересный мюзикл - это "Суини Тодд: демон-парикмахер с Флит стрит".
    Этого не может быть - промежуток должен быть.

  3. #3
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Цитата Сообщение от Komandarm Посмотреть сообщение
    Уже писал и напишу снова: для меня единственный интересный мюзикл - это "Суини Тодд: демон-парикмахер с Флит стрит".
    Ты их наверное переслушал много
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  4. #4
    Открытый геймер Аватар для Komandarm
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    Ты их наверное переслушал много
    Мне в принципе не нравятся мюзиклы. Так же как оперетта.
    Этого не может быть - промежуток должен быть.

  5. #5
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Важно разнообразие

    Первым, что я хочу выложить, будет рок-опера The Kinks Schoolboys in disgrace. Она короткая, и идет примерно полчаса. В одной из интернетных статей о Кинкс было написано, что студийная версия - лишь бледная тень концертных постановок. Ну постановку мне увидеть скорее всего не светит, а студийную запись высоко ценю
    Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться

    Schooldays (R.Davies)
    Jack The Idiot Dunce (R.Davies)
    Education (R.Davies)
    The First Time We Fall In Love (R.Davies)
    I'm In Disgrace (R.Davies)
    Headmaster (R.Davies)
    The Hard Way (R.Davies)
    The Last Assembly (R.Davies)
    No More Looking Back (R.Davies)
    Finale (R.Davies)


    If ever you think about the happiest days of your life
    Cast back your mind for a while
    And remember the time when you were a child.
    Don't think of things that make you sad,
    Just remember all the good times that you had.

    Do you remember only happy days,
    Full of flaming junes and summer holidays?
    Or do you remember those stormy novembers
    When we walked in the wind and the rain?
    Schooldays were such happy days
    Now they seem so far away,
    I remember and I'll always treasure.
    Schooldays were the happiest days of your life
    But we never appreciate the good times we have
    Until it's too late.

    I miss all the acquaintances we made
    And I'd go back if I could only find a way,
    Schooldays were the happiest days
    Though at the time they filled me with dismay.
    We only remember what we choose to remember.
    When I was a schoolboy I loathed regulations and rules
    I hated my textbooks and my school uniform,
    'cos it made me conform,
    And teachers were always disobeyed,
    But I'd go back if I could only find a way.

    Schooldays were the happiest days,
    Now they seem so far away.
    I remember and I'll always treasure
    Schooldays were the happiest days of your life
    But we never appreciate the good times we have
    Until it's too late.
    Now I wish I hadn't strayed,
    And I'd go back if I could only find a way.

    Jack the Idiot Dunce

    Who's the fool with the cross-eyed stare,
    The turned up nose and moronic glare?
    Who's that simpleton standing over there?
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.

    Who's that dumb-looking freckle-faced runt?
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.
    He walks like his feet are on back to front,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.

    When he waddles down the street he looks kind of queer,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce,
    Because he's got two left feet and taxi-door ears,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.

    And when we laugh at the clothes he wears,
    Jack just smiles 'cos he don't care.
    Who's that fool? who's that ninny?
    Who's that twit? who's that chump?
    The idiot dunce, the idiot dunce.

    Who is always the bottom of the class?
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.
    Who's a fool? who's a boob?
    Who's a kook and an ass?
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.

    When we take examinations he never gets a pass,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.
    And we all put him down 'cos he can't think fast,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.
    We ridicule him and punch him around,
    But jack just laughs and stands his ground,
    The idiot dunce, the idiot dunce.

    Yeah, he's so unco-ordinated.
    Yeah, and so disorientated,
    And when we have a high school hop
    You ought to see that idiot bop
    And his arms and his legs
    Seem to have minds of their own,
    And you don't need brains
    To have educated muscles and bones.

    Yeah, you ought to see him dance
    He moves like he's in a trance,
    And when we have a high school hop
    You ought to see that idiot rock,
    And he's finally proved
    That you don't need a high i.q.
    To make your body move.
    Now he's created a dance that everybody's trying to do.
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.

    Do the idiot dunce.
    All right put your finger on your nose,
    Now cross those eyes.
    Put your hands on your hips,
    Now wriggle your backside.
    Now you've got the knack
    To do the idiot jack
    From your head to the tips of your toes.

    Now the whole world's doing it and everybody knows,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.
    He's a real cool cat and a real gone groove,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.

    And the girls go crazy when he starts to move,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce
    Now jack's a success he's got nothing to prove,
    Jack, jack the idiot dunce.

    Even though jack is dim
    His mother is so proud of him.
    Hey, who's that groovy looking dude
    Dancing with all the chicks?
    The idiot dunce, the idiot dunce.


    In a deep dark jungle long time ago
    Lived a lonesome caveman
    He was a solitary soul
    And he spent his playtime
    Chewing meat from bones.
    He didn't know how to talk much
    He only knew how to groan
    Then he lifted up his hands and reached to the sky
    Let out a yell and no one replied.
    Frustration and torment tore him inside
    Then he fell to the ground and he cried and he cried.
    But then education saved the day.
    He learned to speak and communicate
    Education saved the day.
    He thanked God for the friends he made.
    'cos everybody needs an education
    Everybody needs an education.
    Black skin, red skin, yellow or white,
    Everybody needs to read and write
    Everybody needs an education.

    Thank the day when that primitive man
    Learned to talk with his brothers
    And live off the land.
    He left his cave and he moved far away
    And he lived with his friends in a house that they'd made
    He learned to think and to work with his brain
    And he astounded his friends with all the knowledge he gained

    He wrote it down on a rock that he found
    And he showed all his friends and they passed it around
    And then education came that day.
    The day it came was a sacred day.
    Education came that day
    He thanked God for the friends he'd made.

    Well man built a boat and he learned how to sail
    And he travelled far and wide
    Then he looked up above saw the stars in the sky
    So he learned how to fly.
    Thanks to all the mathematicians
    And the inventors with their high i.q.s
    And the professors in their colleges
    Trying to feed me knowledge
    That I know I'll never use.
    Thank you sir for the millions of words
    That you've handed me down and you've told me to learn

    But I've got words in my ears and my eyes
    I've got so many facts that I must memorize
    Because education's doing me in
    I want to stop but my head's in a swim
    Education drives me insane
    I can't recall all the facts on my brain.
    Education came that day
    The day it came was a sacred day
    Education saved the day
    He thanked God for all the friends he made.

    Teacher, teach me how to read and write,
    You can teach me about biology,
    But you can't tell me what I am living for
    'cos that's still a mystery.
    Teacher, teach me about nuclear physics
    And teach me about the structure of man,
    But all your endless calculations
    Can't tell me why I am.
    No you can't tell me why I am,
    No you can't tell me why I am.

    Everybody needs education,
    Open universities, education.
    Every race every creed, education.
    And every little half-breed, education.
    Every nationality, education.
    All the little people need education.
    Eskimos and pygmies need
    And even aborigines, education.

    Well physics and geography, education.
    Philosophy and history, education.
    Science and biology, education,
    Geometry and poetry, education.
    Well, education, education, education, education

    (repeat 'education' till end)

    The First Time We Fall in Love

    How well I remember my very first love affair.
    Those juvenile fantasies and innocent dreams we shared.
    But we're too blind to realize that we are totally unprepared
    For the first time we fall in love.
    We think it's forever, the first time we fall in love.
    We always treasure the first time we fall in love.
    Those other romances come and go,
    But we cherish the memory of
    The first time we fall in love.

    First love can be such a strain.
    It can rule your head, it can bring you pain,
    And when it ends it seems such a shame.
    The first time we fall in love,
    Can make you sad, it can keep you awake,
    It can drive you mad.
    People say you're too young and it's only a fad
    The first time we fall in love.
    The first time we fall in love.

    The first time I fell out of love, it knocked me through the floor.
    My world came crashing down, it shook me to the core.
    I was unprepared 'cos I was only a kid
    And I was much too young and I wasn't equipped
    For the emotional pressures and stresses of it.
    But oh, I'll never forget
    The way that she looked the first time we met.
    Time goes by but we never forget
    The first time we fall in love.

    Love can be exciting, it can be a bloody bore.
    Love can be a pleasure or nothing but a chore.
    Love can be like a dull routine,
    It can run you around till you're out of steam.
    It can treat you well, it can treat you mean,
    Love can mess you around,
    I can pick you up, it can bring you down.
    But they'll never know
    The feelings we show
    The first time we fall in love.
    The first time we fall in love.

    I'm in Disgrace

    The first time that I saw you
    You were the lady of my dreams.
    The very next time I had to make you mine,
    And I treated you like a queen.
    The third time that I saw you
    You treated me with such distaste,
    Now I wish I'd never seen your face.
    I'm in disgrace,
    I'm in disgrace.
    Because I fell for your pretty face,
    I'm in disgrace. he's in disgrace.
    I'm in disgrace. he's in disgrace.
    You captured me in your embrace.

    There's no use blaming me
    And saying I was your ruination
    Because it was you equally
    That got us into this situation.
    It wasn't lust, it wasn't rape,
    It was just a mistake
    I'm in disgrace. he's in disgrace.
    I'm in disgrace. he's in disgrace.
    Because I fell for your pretty face.
    I'm in disgrace. she's in disgrace.
    I'm in disgrace. he's in disgrace.
    You captured me in your embrace.

    Was your love real or faked?
    Or was it only infatuation?
    Picture you in my place.
    I wish I'd acted with a little less haste.
    I'm in disgrace.
    I'm in disgrace.
    Because I fell for your pretty face.
    Oh what a waste. he's in disgrace.
    I'm in disgrace. he's in disgrace.
    Now my name's dirt and I'm disgraced.
    I'm in disgrace.


    Headmaster, this is my confession.
    This time you won't be overjoyed,
    I have destroyed what little faith you had in me,
    I've been such a naughty boy.
    Headmaster I am at your mercy,
    I've been such a little fool.
    I've dishonored one who trusted me,
    I have broken all the rules.
    I've been with those naughty little girls again,
    Now those naughty little girls are going to put me to shame.

    I wish that I'd been born with a little more sense,
    This time it's a serious offense.
    I feel like an innocent victim,
    I feel that I just can't win.
    Headmaster please give me one chance,
    Please help me to act like a man.
    I've let down the school,
    I've broken all the rules,
    I've let down the side,
    I've committed a crime.

    Headmaster, this is my confession,
    I've been such a little fool.
    I've dishonored one who trusted me,
    I have broken all the rules.
    I've been such a little fool.
    Don't tell all my friends I bent over,
    Don't tell them you made me cry.
    Don't tell them I've been sacrificed,
    Don't tell all my friends or I'll die.
    Headmaster don't beat me I beg you,
    I know that I've let you down.
    Headmaster please spare me I beg you,
    Don't make me take my trousers down.

    The Hard Way

    Boys like you were born to waste,
    You never listen to a word I say
    And if you think you're here to mess around,
    You're making a big mistake,
    'cos you're gonna find out the hard way,
    You gonna find out the hard way.

    No matter what I do or say,
    You're much too dumb to educate.
    One day life's going to turn around and slap you in the face,
    Then you're gonna find out the hard way.
    You'll take the hard way,
    Gonna take the hard way.

    Well, you'll do it your way and I'll do it my way,
    And we'll see who's the one to survive.
    You'll find that with no foundation
    Or qualifications
    There's no way that you can get by,
    No, there's no way you can get by.

    Why don't you take the easy way?
    Why don't you co-operate?
    Don't just sit there and vegetate.
    Do you want to end up illiterate?
    You think that life's a vacation
    And you've no inclination
    To dust away the cobwebs of your mind.
    Now it's time for confrontation
    And I'm tired of being patient,
    So I've got to be cruel to be kind.

    You've got to be cruel to be kind.
    I'm wasting my vocation teaching you to write neat
    When you're only fit to sweep the streets.
    Your intellect is such
    That it requires a killer's touch.

    So I'm going to play it your way,
    We'll take the hard way.
    Going to take the hard way,
    You can take the hard way.
    Gonna take the hard way,
    Gonna take the hard way.

    The Last Assembly

    As I walked to the last assembly,
    There were tears in the back of my eyes,
    And I saw all my friends all around me,
    They were there to wish me goodbye.

    As I stood in a line with my comrades,
    I felt such a feeling of pride,
    And I forgot all the grief and the hatred inside,
    As we sang for the very last time.

    Gather round, gather round,
    Everybody gather round.
    Come and join our last assembly,
    Let us smile, wipe away all the frowns.

    Gather round, gather round,
    Everybody gather round.
    As we stood at the last assembly,
    All my friends came to wish me goodbye.

    Gather round, gather round,
    Gather round, gather round,
    Everybody gather round.
    As I stand at the last assembly,
    I just can't keep the tears from my eyes.

    No More Looking Back

    Walking along a crowded street
    I see thousands of faces before me.
    Then I see a face that I used to know
    Long ago in my life story.
    It starts me thinking about the things you said
    For your image is still inside me.
    The past is gone but in my head
    You're still walking along beside me.
    Is it something playing tricks with my eyes
    Or just an illusion deceiving me,
    Or is it someone in a disguise
    Or visions of things that used to be?

    But lately I've been going to
    All the places that we once knew,
    And just when I think that I am free of you
    I keep seeing the things that remind me of you,
    And just when I think you're out of my head
    I hear a song that you sang or see a book that you read.
    Then you're in every bar, you're in every cafZ,
    You're driving every car, I see you everyday,
    But you're not really there 'cos you belong to yesterday.

    No more looking back,
    No more living in the past,
    Yesterday's gone and that's a fact,
    Now there's no more looking back.
    Got to be hard,
    Yeah, look straight ahead.
    That s the only way it's going to be,
    Yesterday's gone and that's a fact,
    Now there's no more looking back,
    Perhaps someday I'll stop needing you,
    Then maybe one day I'll be free of you.

    But lately I've been going to
    All the places that remind me of you.
    And just when I think you're out of my head
    I hear a record you played or see a book that you read.
    Then you're in every bar, you're in every cafZ,
    You're driving every car, I see you everyday
    But you're not really there 'cos you belong to yesterday.

    No more looking back,
    No more living in the past.
    Yesterday's gone, that's a fact,
    Now there's no more looking back.
    No more looking back.
    No more living in the past.
    Yesterday's gone, that's a fact.
    Now there's no more looking back.



    Информация по вики:
    Schoolboys in Disgrace or The Kinks Present Schoolboys in Disgrace is a 1976 album by the English rock group, The Kinks.

    According to back cover liner notes on Schoolboys in Disgrace, the story which the album presents is as follows:

    Once upon a time there was a naughty little schoolboy. He and his gang were always playing tricks on the teachers and bullying other children in the school. One day he got himself into very serious trouble with a naughty schoolgirl and he was sent to the Headmaster who decided to disgrace the naughty boy and his gang in front of the whole school.
    After this punishment the boy turned into a hard and bitter character. Perhaps it was not the punishment that changed him but the fact that he realised people in authority would always be there to kick him down and the Establishment would always put him in his place. He knew that he could not change the past but he vowed that in the future he would always get what he wanted. The naughty little boy grew up... into Mr. Flash.

    Mr. Flash was the name of the villain from The Kinks' rock opera, Preservation: Acts 1 & 2.

    The front cover was illustrated by Mickey Finn of T.Rex.

    Production and Musicians
    Ray Davies : vocals, guitar, piano
    Dave Davies : lead guitar, vocals
    Mick Avory : drums
    John Dalton : bass guitar
    John Gosling : keyboards
    John Beecham : trombone
    Alan Holmes : saxophones
    Nick Newell : tenor saxophone
    Pamela Travis : background vocals
    Debbie Doss : background vocals
    Shirley Roden : background vocals
    Written, Arranged and Produced by Raymond Douglas Davies
    Engineered by Roger Wake
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  6. #6
    Местный Аватар для Ромашка
    с удовольствием послушаю люблю и мюзиклы и оперетты и вообще все что можно слушать, помоему в любом жанре можно сделать нечто неподражаемое и восхитительное!

  7. #7
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Цитата Сообщение от Ромашка Посмотреть сообщение
    с удовольствием послушаю люблю и мюзиклы и оперетты и вообще все что можно слушать, помоему в любом жанре можно сделать нечто неподражаемое и восхитительное!
    Ну тогда продолжим
    The Kinks Preservation - Act 1: Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться
    первая песня это сингл, вышедший между первым и вторым актами, но он очень в тему, так что пусть будет А оригинальная опера начинается сооответственно со второй композиции.
    Либретто 1 акта:

    The Kinks
    Preservation: Act 1

    Morning Song
    Sweet Lady Genevieve
    There's a Change in the Weather
    Where Are They Now?
    One of the Survivors
    Money & Corruption/I Am Your Man
    Here Comes Flash
    Sitting in the Midday Sun

    Once upon a time
    In a faraway land
    Lived a villain called flash
    He was such a wicked man
    He terrorized the people
    He broke arms and crushed hands
    He ruled with a fist and he purchased all the land

    Then he plowed up the fields and cut down the trees
    For property speculation
    And he did it all for a pot of gold
    And for his own preservation

    The people were scared
    They didn't know where to turn
    They couldn't see any salvation
    From the hoods and the spivs
    And the crooked politicians
    Who were cheating and lying to the nation

    Save the fields and the trees
    And give them back to the nation
    Bring the government down
    A new leader must be found
    For the sake of preservation

    He said he did it to help us all
    And did it for the good of the nation
    But he did it for a pot of gold
    And for his own preservation

    When money is evil
    And power is corrupt
    The devil moves in and takes over
    Mr. flash broke his word
    And now he's got to pay
    For his crimes and his lies and his evil ways

    And it's gonna get rough
    And it's gonna get rough
    It's a crime and a sin that no one can win
    In a story of self preservation

    Morning Song

    (sung by chorus)

    Daylight over the village green early in the morning.
    Daylight over the hills and valleys heralding the morning.
    Daylight over the mountains, daylight on the village green,
    Daylight over the field and the factories.
    Another night has gone away and here comes yet another day.

    See the early morning risers walking round with bleary eyes.
    Worn out housewives grit their teeth ignoring new born babies' cries.
    Look at all the busy people this way, that way, everywhere
    Biting toast and swallowing tea and breakfast specials on the air.
    Feel that daylight.

    Feel the sunlight on my pillow and it stops my yawing.
    I thank God that I'm still around to see another dawn in.
    Daylight over the valleys, daylight lighting up the trees,
    Daylight over the hillside,
    Smile a smile and sing a song, another night has been and gone.

    Middle-aged bankers crack their backs and wish they were young and in their teens,
    Lonely spinsters dream of dating roger moore or steve mcqueen.
    Health fanatics in their attics training for the empire games,
    School boys dream of captain scarlet, battle ships and aeroplanes.

    Feel that daylight, daylight.
    Daylight on the village green,
    Field and the valleys,

    Sweet Lady Genevieve
    (sung by the tramp)

    Once under a scarlet sky I told you never ending lies,
    But they were the words of a drunken vagabond
    Who knew very well he would break your heart before long
    Oh forgive me genevieve.

    Now I've come back to see sweet lady genevieve,
    This time I'll give you some security
    And I will make promises I can keep
    So will you come back to me sweet lady genevieve.

    Let me rock you, hold you,
    Take you in my arms.
    Forgive me, please,
    Smile away all your sadness, put your trust in me.

    Oh if you come back to me sweet lady genevieve,
    I'm not the impetuous fool you used to know
    I know that I used you and I hurt you so,
    But that was so long ago sweet lady genevieve.

    Oh, love me,
    Take me in your arms.
    Let me rock you, hold you,
    Smile away all your sadness, put your trust in me.

    Once under a starry sky I led you on and told you lies
    Drank too much whiskey on that hot summer night.
    I acted so slyly because you were acting so shy,
    Oh forgive me genevieve.

    If you come back to me sweet lady genevieve,
    You're not the child who smiled so innocently
    And I'm not the rogue that I used to be,
    So will you come back to me sweet lady genevieve.

    Oh genevieve, oh genevieve.

    There's a Change in the Weather
    (sung by working class man, middle class man and upper class man)

    I'm just a simple working man
    Gettin' by the best I can
    In this crazy mixed-up muddled-up world that I live in.

    I'm a middle class sort of a guy
    I'm not rich but I get by
    Pretending that I know just what I'm doin'.

    I'm a well bred upper class sort of chap,
    I don't care much about this and that
    Even when I know there's trouble brewin'.

    We think there's a change in the weather
    We've got to learn to stick together.
    We've seen the thunder clouds in the sky,
    I wanna live, I don't wanna die.

    I think the weather's changing, I hope the weather is gonna change.
    I hope it's a change for the better and it will brighten up my day.
    I think there's a change in the weather, I hope good weather is here to stay,
    I hope it's a change for the better and it will brighten up my day.

    See the holocaust risin' over the horizon,
    Gonna see a manifestation, total chaos, devastation,
    Anticyclone and tornados brewin',
    Gonna feel the lightnin' strikin',
    Thunder clap smoke a frightnin',

    There's gonna be evil doin',
    There's trouble brewin',
    Everybody scared,
    Too much thunder, too much fightin'.

    Heavy storm clouds comin',
    Gonna cover up the sun
    And gonna terrify everyone,
    Better pack up your bags and run.

    I think there's a change in the weather, I think the weather is going to change.
    I hope it's a change for the better and it will brighten up my day.
    I think there's a change in the weather, I hope good weather is here to stay.
    I hope it's a change for the better and it will brighten up my day.

    Where Are They Now?
    (sung by the tramp)

    I'll sing a song about some people you might know
    They made front pages in the news not long ago
    But now they're just part of a crowd
    And I wonder where they all are now.

    Where have all the swinging londoners gone?
    Ossie clark and mary quant
    And what of christine keeler,
    John stephen and alvaro,
    Where on earth did they all go?
    Mr. fish and mr. chow,
    Yeah, I wonder where they all are now.

    Where are all the teddy boys now?
    Where are all the teddy boys now?
    The brill cream boys with d.a.s,
    Drainpipes and blue suedes,
    Beatniks with long pullovers on,
    And coffee bars and ban the bomb,
    Yeah, where have all the teddy boys gone?
    I hope that arthur seaton is alright.
    I hope that charlie bubbles had a very pleasant flight,
    And jimmy porter's learned to laugh and smile,
    And joe lampton's learned to live a life of style.

    Where are all the angry young men now?
    Where are all the angry young men now?
    Barstow and osborne, waterhouse and sillitoe,
    Where on earth did they all go?
    And where are all the protest songs?
    Yes, where have all the angry young men gone.

    I wonder what became of all the rockers and the mods.
    I hope they are making it and they've all got stead jobs,
    Oh but rock and roll still lives on,
    Yeah, rock and roll still lives on.

    One of the Survivors
    (sung by johnny thunder and chorus)

    See johnny thunder sitting on his motorbike
    Riding along the highway,
    Rock and roll songs from the nineteen-fifties
    Buzzing around in his brain.
    Johnny thunder he's one of the original bebop generation
    And he's got no time for complicated music or too much sophistication.

    He's one of the survivors,
    The motorbike riders.
    You ought to see johnny thunder riding down the highway
    One of the rock and roll survivors,
    Twelve bars flowing through his brain.
    He digs jerry lee lewis, dion and the belmonts,
    And johnny & the hurricanes.

    He plays hound dog, oh boy, and great balls of fire
    And boppin' at the high school hop.
    And he's got no time for phonies or posers
    'cos they don't know how to reel and rock.
    And he plays little egypt and ooh poo pah doo,
    And he plays poison ivy and blue suede shoes,
    The hollywood argyles, danny & the juniors,
    Dion & the belmonts, johnny & the hurricanes.

    He's one of the survivors,
    The boppers and the jivers,
    Yeah and he rocks all day.
    Johnny & the hurricanes, johnny & the hurricanes.

    Got my freedom riding along the freeway.
    I ride a hundred miles an hour but I don't mess up my d.a.
    Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock 'n' roll.
    You can't stop rock 'n' rollin' music play.
    (repeat last two lines)

    Feel those vibrations flow in my brain.
    Got my freedom riding down the highway,
    Keeps me sane, feel alive,
    I'm one of the survivors.

    Feel all right.
    First gear, second gear, third gear, fourth gear, all right.
    Old johnny thunder looks a little overweight,
    And his sideburns are turning grey.
    But he still likes to bebop, boogie and jive
    To his worn out seventy-eights.
    Johnny thunder.
    He's alright.
    He's one of the survivors,
    Twelve bars flowing through his brain,
    Jerry lee lewis, dion & the belmonts,
    Johnny & the hurricanes, johnny & the hurricanes.

    (sung by the vicar)

    Some people say that life is a game, well if this is so
    I'd like to know the rules on which this game of life is based.
    I know of no game more fitting than the age old game of cricket
    It has honour, it has character and it's british.
    Now God laid down the rules of life when he wrote those ten commandments
    And to cricket those ten same rules shall apply.
    Show compassion and self-righteousness and be honest above all
    And come to god's call with bat and ball.

    Now the devil has a player and he's called the demon bowler,
    He's shrewd, he's rude and he's wicked.
    He is sent by sinful satan and he's out to take your wicket
    And you know that that's not cricket.
    He'll baffle you with googlies with leg breaks and offspin
    But keep a level head and don't let that demon in.
    So keep a straight bat at all times, let the Bible be your guide
    And you'll get by, yes you'll get by.

    All through your life he'll try to bowl you out
    Beware the demon bowler.
    He's crafty and deceitful and he'll try to l.b.w.,
    And bowl a maiden over.
    The devil takes the weak in spirit and so we must always be courageous
    And remember that God is on your side.
    So keep old satan in your sights and play the straight and narrow line
    And you'll get by, yes you'll get by.

    Money & Corruption/I Am Your Man
    (sung by chorus)

    We are sick and tired
    Of being promised this and that.
    We work all day, we sweat and slave
    To keep the wealthy fat.
    They fill our heads with promises
    And bamboozle us with facts,
    Then they put on false sincerity
    Then they laugh behind our backs.

    1st chorus
    Money and corruption
    Are ruining the land
    Crooked politicians
    Betray the working man,
    Pocketing the profits
    And treating us like sheep,
    And we're tired of hearing promises
    That we know they'll never keep.

    Money and corruption
    (etc. repeat 1st chorus above)

    Promises, promises, all we get are promises.
    Show us a man who'll understand us, guide us and lead us.

    We are sick and tired
    Of having to ask them cap in hand
    We crawl on the floor
    We beg for more,
    But still we are ignored.
    We're tired of being herded
    Like a mindless flock of sheep
    And we're tired of hearing promises
    That we know they'll never keep.

    1st chorus
    Money and corruption
    Are ruining the land
    Crooked politicians
    Betray the working man,
    Pocketing the profits
    And treating us like sheep,
    And we're tired of hearing promises
    We know they'll never keep.

    We've got to stand together
    Every woman, every man,
    Because money and corruption are ruining the land.
    Show us a man who'll be our saviour and will lead us.
    Show us a man who'll understand us, guide us and lead us.
    Show us a man.
    Workers of the nation unite.
    Workers of the nation unite.
    (mr. black sings)

    I visualise a day when people will be free
    And we'll be living in a new society.
    No class distinction, no slums or poverty
    I have a vision of a new society.
    And every home will have a stereo and tv,
    A deep freeze, quadrasonic and a washing machine.
    So workers of the nation unite.

    I am your man
    I'll work out a five-year plan
    So vote for me brothers
    And I will save this land
    And we will nationalise the wealthy companies
    And all the directors will be answerable to me,
    There'll be no shirking of responsibilities
    So people of the nation unite.

    Union man I'll work with you hand in hand
    For we're all brothers to our union man.
    I am your man,
    Oh God how I love this land,
    So join together save the fatherland.

    I visualize a day when people will be free
    And we'll be living in a new society.
    No class distinction, no slums or poverty,
    So workers of the nation unite,
    Workers of the nation unite,
    People of the nation unite.

    Here Comes Flash
    (sung by chorus and scared housewives)

    You'd better run, you'd better fly.
    Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
    Lock your doors and stay inside
    Here comes flash.

    There's no way that you can win,
    You must obey his every whim,
    Or else he's going to do you in.
    Here comes flash.

    He will smile at you, be a friend to you,
    Then he's gonna screw you just like that.
    He is going to use you, his heavies will abuse you,
    And then he's gonna lean on you,
    Here comes flash.

    He is gonna rough you up,
    Duff you up and touch you up,
    And then he's gonna screw you up.
    Even though he's mean on you,
    There's nothing else that you can do
    Just sit back and take his abuse.
    He will smile at you, be so sweet to you.
    Then he's gonna cheat on you.

    You'd better run, you'd better fly.
    Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
    Lock your doors and stay inside.
    Here comes flash.

    Once we loved and trusted him,
    Now his thugs and bullies make us live in sin.
    They suppress us, oppress us, molest us, possess us.

    You'd better run, you'd better fly.
    Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
    And lock your doors and stay inside.

    He will smile at you, be a friend to you,
    Then he's gonna screw you just like that.

    You'd better run, you'd better fly.
    Hide your daughters, hide your wives.
    And lock your doors and stay inside.
    Here comes flash.

    There's no way that you can win,
    You must obey his every whim
    Or else he's going to do you in.
    Here comes flash.
    Here comes flash.

    Sitting in the Midday Sun
    (sung by the tramp)

    I'm sitting by the side of a river
    Underneath the pale blue sky
    I've got no need to worry, I'm in no hurry
    I'm looking at the world go by.

    Just sitting in the midday sun,
    Just soaking up that currant bun,
    With no particular purpose or reason
    Sitting in the midday sun.

    Everybody say I'm lazy
    They all tell me get a job you slob,
    I'd rather be a hobo walking round with nothing
    Than a rich man scared of losing all he's got.

    So I'm just sitting in the midday sun
    Just soaking up that currant bun,
    Why should I have to give my reasons
    For sitting in the midday sun

    Oh look at all the ladies
    Looking their best in their summer dresses,
    Oh sitting in the sun.
    I've got no home,
    I've got no money
    But who needs a job when it's sunny. wah wah.

    I haven't got a steady occupation
    And I can't afford a telephone.
    I haven't got a stereo, radio or video
    A mortgage, overdraft, a bank loan.

    The only way that I can get my fun
    Is by sitting in the midday sun
    With no particular purpose or reason
    Sitting in the midday sun.

    Oh listen to the people,
    Say I'm a failure and I've got nothing,
    Ah but if they would only see
    I've got my pride,
    I've got no money,
    But who needs a job when it's sunny. wah wah.

    Everybody thinks I'm crazy,
    And everybody says I'm dumb,
    But when I see the people shouting at each other
    I'd rather be an out of work bum.

    So I'm just sitting in the midday sun
    Just soaking up that currant bun,
    With no particular purpose or reason
    Sitting in the midday sun.

    (sung by flash and his cronies in their den)

    I spy with my little eye
    Anything here that I can buy.
    I see a little thatched cottage
    Looking so neat
    With compulsory purchase we can buy it up cheap.
    Then we'll pull up the floor boards,
    Knock down the walls,
    Rock the foundations,
    Until the house falls.
    Like a pack of cards,
    Crashing to the ground.
    Then we'll build a row
    Of identical boxes
    And sell them all off at treble the profits.

    The deeds are in my pocket,
    I've got a contract in my hand.
    An opportunity for luxury living.
    I'll arrange the mortgage
    To be repaid a hundred percent.
    I can't wait around so make your decision.
    We'll buy up all the cottages
    And every house and every street,
    Until we've got everything we need.
    Every town in the vicinity,
    Every farm and village green.
    We're gonna buy up everything,
    Then it's demolition.
    Demolition. demolition.

    Two up, two down,
    It hasn't got a garden,
    But it's got a lovely patio.
    Stainless steel kitchen sink,
    Gas fired central heating,
    Whaaa -- specifically designed for modern-day living,
    Nothing's permanent and nothing lasts,
    We've sold all the houses so put 'em up fast.
    We're gonna buy up this town
    And pull it all down.
    How I love to hear the demolition sound
    Of concrete crashing to the ground.

    It's time to make some money,
    It's time to get rich quick.
    It's the wonderful world of capitalism.
    I've got to make a profit,
    I've got to satisfy my greed,
    It's my faith and my religion,
    Demolition. demolition. demolition.
    And we'll buy up the towns,
    And we'll knock 'em all down
    Build a brand new world of our own.

    Preservation содержит многочисленные отсылки к более раннему концептуальному альбому Кинкс The Kinks are The Village Green Preservation Society, например из Village Green сюда перешел такой персонаж как Johnny Thunder
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  8. #8
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    т.к. на отдельную рекламу каждого экспоната моей коллекции уйдёт уйма времени, просто выкладываю список того, что лежит на винте. если кого что заинтересует - пишите, расскажу что о чём и/или выложу куда-нибудь

    Алые паруса (опера-феерия, 1976) - А. Богословский и ВИА "МУЗЫКА"
    By Jeeves (мюзикл, 1975)- Andrew Lloyd Weber
    Cats (мюзикл, 1981) - Andrew Lloyd Weber
    Cats - 1983 Vienna Cast
    Jesus Christ Superstar (далее JCS)(рок-опера, 1970, оригинал)Andrew Lloyd Weber
    JCS - Nyack New York Cast (Billy Porter) 1996
    JCS - A Resurrection, American Studio Cast, 1994
    JCS - Dutch NL Cast, 2005
    JCS - Italian Cast (with C. Anderson) 2004
    JCS - New 25th Anniversary Production
    JCS - Original Broadway Cast (1971)
    JCS - Original Czechoslovakian Cast (1994)
    JCS - Original Mexican cast (Jesucristo Superestrella) 1975
    JCS - Original Swedish Cast(1972)
    JCS - Peru cast (2004)
    JCS - The 20th Anniversary London Cast Album (1992)
    JCS - The 1992 Australian Revival Cast (1992)
    JCS - The Orlando Pops Ochestra (1996)
    JCS - New Zealand cast
    JCS - Live Czech version, 1995
    JCS - German version, 1972
    JCS - Japan Version, 1976
    JCS - Surf & Rockabilly Version, 2003
    JCS - Spain version, 1977
    далее российские постановки его же:
    JCS - инструментальные каверы А.Козлова и джаз-рок ансамбля «Арсенал»
    Иисус Христос - Суперзвезда (Москва, 1992)
    Иисус Христос - Суперзвезда (Московский театр музыки и драмы под руководством С.Намина)
    Иисус Христос - Суперзвезда (Орловский государственный театр)
    Иисус Христос - Суперзвезда (Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г. Р. Державина)
    Иисус Христос - Суперзвезда (театр Моссовета)
    Иисус Христос -Суперзвезда (Питерский театр Рок-Опера)
    Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Andrew Lloyd Weber (1997)
    The Phanton of the Opera - Andrew Lloyd Weber (1986)
    The Phantom of the Opera - 2008 Polish Cast
    Hair Original Broadway 1968
    Hair London cast 1993
    Pride and Prejudice
    Quadrophenia - The Who, 1973
    The Likes of Us - Andrew Lloyd Weber, 1965
    Romeo & Juliette - Gerard Presgurvic, 2001
    Romeo & Juliette русская версия
    Стадион (1985) - А. Градский/М.Пушкина
    Звезда и Смерть Хаокина Мурьеты(1976) - А. Рыбников
    Юнона и Авось (1981) А. Рыбников
    Юнона и Авось (Питерский театр Рок-Опера, live)
    Али-баба и 40 разбойников (музыкальная сказка)
    Граф Калиостро(опера-буфф, комическая опера) - м.Таривердиев, 1983
    Легенда о несбывшемся грядущем(электронная опера, 2007) - Виктор Арагонов
    Орфей и Эвридика (зонг-опера, 1974) - А. Журбин и ВИА "Поющие гитары"
    Орфей и Эвридика - постановка Питерского театра "Рок-Опера"
    Shuffle Along - первый в истории мюзикл, 1921
    Куда путь держишь ваше благородие - Санкт-Питербургский театр Рок-опера, по "Капитанской дочке" Пушкина
    Сказка о мертвой царевне и о семи богатырях (детский мюзикл)- Санкт-Питербургский театр Рок-опера

    есть ещё куча неразобранного-немаркированного и/или неотцифренного, позже выложу как разгребу
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

  9. #9
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Ну у меня-то мало экспонатов

    самый первый пункт уже заинтересовал!
    Алые паруса (опера-феерия, 1976) - А. Богословский и ВИА "МУЗЫКА"
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  10. #10
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    Ну у меня-то мало экспонатов

    самый первый пункт уже заинтересовал!
    Алые паруса (опера-феерия, 1976) - А. Богословский и ВИА "МУЗЫКА"
    Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

  11. #11
    Активный участник Аватар для Long John
    Орфей и Эвридика (зонг-опера, 1974) - А. Журбин и ВИА "Поющие гитары"
    1975... Поскольку 11 декабря 1974 на худсовете Ленконцерта оперу представляли Журбин с Димитриным вдвоем, коллектива еще не было.
    Кстати, этот (первоначальный) вариант (с Асадулиным/Понаровской) имхо - лучший...

    Где бы еще "Oh! Calcutta!" надыбать.
    ...и долгими осенними ночами я тебя вручную вспоминал...

  12. #12
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Орфея и Эвридику тоже хочу.
    И - если есть - то немного информации об Алых парусах.

    Вот нашла такой вот рейтинг
    Top 14 Greatest Rock Operas/Concept Albums Of All Time
    by Spence D.

    The Rock Opera or conceptual album first came to light in popular music during the late 1960s. Obviously inspired by the sweeping orchestral suites of such composers as Tchaikovsky (The Nutcracker Suite), Mussorgsky (Pictures At An Exhibition), and Berlioz (Symphonie Fantastique), the Rock Opera endeavored to tell a linear story in song form, utilizing a particular band's signature musical stylings and poetic wordplay to create a purely aural theatrical experience. While the Rock Opera/concept Album enjoyed its greatest success during the glory days of classic rock (the late '60s and early-to-mid '70s) it, like the Western in cinematic history, refuses to fade away quietly. Over the years indie rock stalwarts, punk outfits, death metal bands, and dozens of prog rock minded acts have tried their hand at penning a Rock Opera. Some have succeeded; others have succumbed to utter pretension. But one thing remains: the allure of the Rock Opera is still vibrant and if you manage to write a great one, people will embrace it with open arms.

    What follows is our short list of great Rock Operas/Concept Albums. The albums were chosen not only for their historical importance within the rock n' roll hierarchy, but also for their longevity, creativity, and basically for just being kick ass records, conceptual or not.
    1. The Who - Quadrophenia (MCA, 1973)
    2. Genesis - The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway (Atco, 1974)
    3. Pink Floyd - The Wall (Columbia Records, 1979)
    4. Frank Zappa -Joe's Garage Acts I, II, and III (Barking Pumpkin, 1979)
    5. Willie Nelson - Red Headed Stranger (Columbia Records, 1975)
    6. Mike Watt - Contemplating The Engine Room (Columbia Records, 1997)
    7. Pretty Things - SF Sorrow (Original Masters, 1968)
    8. Harry Nilsson - The Point (RCA, 1970)
    9. The Goats - Tricks of the Shade (Ruffhouse, 1992)
    10. David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust (Virgin, 1972)
    11. Queensryche - Operation Mindcrime (EMI, 1988)
    12. Paul Kantner - Blows Against The Empire (RCA, 1970)
    13. The Coolies - Doug ( DB, 1988)
    14. Green Day - American Idiot (Reprise Records, 2004)

    Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться

    Наиболее известные мюзиклы по вики

    Бродвейские мюзиклы

    Мировую известность жанру принесли бродвейские мюзиклы.
    My Fair Lady / «Моя прекрасная леди»: музыка: Фредерик Лоу, либретто и песенные тексты: Алан Джей Лернер (1956)
    Sound of Music, The / «Звуки музыки» музыка: Ричард Роджерс, либретто: Ховард Линдсей & Рассел Круз, песенные тексты: Оскар Хаммерстайн (1959)
    Oliver! / «Оливер!»: музыка, либретто и песенные тексты: Лайонел Барт (1960)
    Fiddler on the Roof / «Скрипач на крыше» музыка: Джерри Бок, либретто: Джозеф Стайн, песенные тексты: Шелдон Харник (1964)
    Jesus Christ Superstar / «Иисус Христос — суперзвезда» музыка: Эндрю Ллойд-Уэббер, песенные тексты: Тим Райс (1970)
    Les Miserables / «Отверженные»: музыка: Клод-Мишель Шонберг, либретто: Ален Бублиль (1980)
    Cats / «Кошки» музыка: Эндрю Ллойд-Уэббер, либретто: Т. С. Элиот (1981)
    42nd Street / «Сорок вторая улица»: музыка: Гарри Уоррен, песенные тексты: Эл Дабин, либретто: Марк Брэмбл и Майк Стюарт (1981)
    Phantom of the Opera, The / «Призрак Оперы» музыка: Эндрю Ллойд-Уэббер, либретто: Ричард Стилгоу и Эндрю Ллойд-Уэббер, песенные тексты: Чарльз Харт (1986)
    Jekyll & Hyde / «Джекилл и Хайд» музыка: Фрэнк Уайлдхорн, либретто и текст песен: Лесли Брикэсс (1989)
    Трехгрошовая опера / музыка: Курт Вайль, либретто: Бертольт Брехт (по «Трехгрошовому роману»)
    Producers, The / «Продюсеры» / музыка: Мел Брукс, либретто: Мел Брукс (на основе фильма Мела Брукса «Продюсеры»)
    Hair (Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться))

    Французские мюзиклы

    По началу, во Франции мюзиклы пошли иным путём: они были менее зрелищны и обходились минумумом декораций (по сравнению с бродвейскими) и в целом больше напоминали концерты нескольких эстрадных певцов. Ярким примером этому может служить оригинальная версия мюзикла Риккардо Коччанте и Люка Пламондона Nôtre-Dame de Paris. Но со временем вкусы менялись, и в последние годы Франция предствила довольно красочные, в плане костюмов и декораций, музыкальные спектакли, такие как Romeo et Juliette, Autant en Emporte le Vent, Le Roi Soleil и пр.
    Starmania / «Стармания»: музыка: Мишель Берже, либретто: Люк Пламондон (1979)
    Misérables, Les / «Отверженные»: музыка: Клод-Мишель Шонберг, либретто: Ален Бублиль (1980)
    La legende de Jimmy / «Легенда о Джимми»: музыка: Мишель Берже, либретто: Люк Пламондон (1990)
    Nôtre-Dame de Paris / «Собор Парижской Богоматери»: музыка: Риккардо Коччанте, либретто: Люк Пламондон (1998)
    Romeo et Juliette / «Ромео и Джульетта»: музыка: Жерар Пресгурвик, либретто: Жерар Пресгурвик (2000)
    Les Mille Et Une Vies D'Ali Baba / «Тысяча и одна жизнь Али-Бабы»: музыка: Chatel Aboulker (12 июня 2001)
    Les Dix Commandements / «10 заповедей»: музыка: Паскаль Обиспо (2001)
    Le Petit Prince / «Маленький принц»: музыка: Риккардо Коччанте, либретто: Элизабет Анаис(2002)
    Don Juan / «Дон Жуан»: музыка: Феликс Грей (3 августа 2003)
    Le Roi Soleil / «Король Солнце»: музыка: Альберт Коэн, либретто: Эли Шураки (2005)
    Dracula, Entre l’amour et la mort / «Дракула: между любовью и смертью»: музыка: Симон Леклерк, либретто: Роже Табра (2005)- канадский мюзикл на французском языке
    Cléopâtre, la dernière reine d’Egypte /«Клеопатра, последняя царица Египта»: (2009)

    Австрийские мюзиклы
    Elisabeth / «Элизабет»: музыка: Сильвестр Левай, либретто: Михаэль Кунце (1992)
    Tanz der Vampire / «Бал вампиров»: музыка: Сильвестр Левай, либретто: Джим Стейнман (1997)
    Mozart! / «Моцарт!»: музыка: Сильвестр Левай, либретто: Михаэль Кунце (1999)
    Rebecca / «Ребекка»: музыка: Сильвестр Левай, либретто: Михаэль Кунце (2006)

    Российские мюзиклы
    «Орфей и Эвридика» — пожалуй, основоположник русского мюзикла. До сих пор звучит в исполнении Санкт-Петербургского театра «Рок-опера»
    «Юнона и Авось» — рок-опера Алексея Рыбникова, впервые исполнена на сцене «Ленкома» в 1981 году.
    «Звезда и смерть Хоакина Мурьеты» — спектакль был издан на виниловой пластинке в СССР.
    «Норд-Ост» — первый русский мюзикл мирового класса. Поставлен Георгием Васильевым и Алексеем Иващенко
    «Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться дура.ru» — мюзикл Александра Пантыкина и Константина Рубинского, поставленный в Екатеринбурге в 2007 году и получивший две «Золотые маски» в 2008 году в номинациях.
    «Ночь открытых дверей» — мюзикл Евгения Кармазина и Константина Рубинского, поставленный в Екатеринбурге в 2005 году и получивший «Золотую маску» в двух номинациях, в том числе «Лучший спектакль».
    «12 Стульев» — российский мюзикл по мотивам одноименного романа И.Ильфа и Е.Петрова.
    «Маугли» — российский фэнтези-мюзикл поставлен на сцене Московского театра Оперетты. Идет в Москве с 2005 года. Музыка и либретто — Влад Сташинский, режиссер-постановщик — Алина Чевик, муз.руководитель — Влад Сташинский, балетмейстер — Борис Барановский, художник — Виктор Арефьев, художник по костюмам — Валентина Комолова, художник по гриму — Андрей Дрыкин, художник по свету — А.Кузнецов, хормейстер — П.Сучков.
    «Монте-Кристо» — российский мюзикл по мотивам романа А.Дюма «Граф Монте-Кристо». Композитор — Роман Игнатьев, автор либретто — Юлий Ким, продюсер мюзикла — Владимир Тартаковский и Алексей Болонин, режиссер-постановщик — Алина Чевик, балетмейстер-постановщик — Ирина Корнеева, художник — постановщик — Вячеслав Окунев, художник по гриму и парикам — Андрей Дрыкин, художник по свету — Глеб Фильштинский, постановщик трюков паркура — Олег Краснянский
    «Последнее испытание» — фэнтези-мюзикл Антона Круглова и Елены Ханпиры.
    «Дети Солнца» — этно-мюзикл Владимира Подгорецкого.
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  13. #13
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    Цитата Сообщение от Long John Посмотреть сообщение
    1975... Поскольку 11 декабря 1974 на худсовете Ленконцерта оперу представляли Журбин с Димитриным вдвоем, коллектива еще не было.
    но опера- то была )))
    там у меня кстати у многих произведений указан год написания, а не издания конкретной записи...
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

  14. #14
    Активный участник Аватар для Long John
    Бродвейские мюзиклы
    Интересно, почему в этом списке "Вест-сайд стори" нету? Она ведь не менее значима чем та же "My Fair Lady"... Да и "Кабаре" - тоже.
    ...и долгими осенними ночами я тебя вручную вспоминал...

  15. #15
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Цитата Сообщение от Long John Посмотреть сообщение
    Интересно, почему в этом списке "Вест-сайд стори" нету? Она ведь не менее значима чем та же "My Fair Lady"... Да и "Кабаре" - тоже.
    Значит тот, кто писал, не все вспомнил
    Миша, у тебя есть французские мюзиклы, в частности меня интересует Маленький принц, я слышала как-то по радио какой-то фрагмент неплохой.
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  16. #16
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    By Jeeves (мюзикл, 1975)- Andrew Lloyd Weber
    The Likes of Us - Andrew Lloyd Weber, 1965
    прошли мимо меня почему-то
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  17. #17
    Активный участник Аватар для Long John
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    Значит тот, кто писал, не все вспомнил
    Миша, у тебя есть французские мюзиклы, в частности меня интересует Маленький принц, я слышала как-то по радио какой-то фрагмент неплохой.
    Да ну... Це ж - классика

    Не, нету... У меня мюзиклов вообще не очень много

    ЗЫ. Зато могу "Лоэнгрина" подкинуть, от Берлинского филармонического под фон Караяном и хора Берлинской же Оперы
    ...и долгими осенними ночами я тебя вручную вспоминал...

  18. #18
    Активный участник Аватар для Long John
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    By Jeeves (мюзикл, 1975)- Andrew Lloyd Weber
    The Likes of Us - Andrew Lloyd Weber, 1965
    прошли мимо меня почему-то
    Дык, в 1965 Вебберу было 17 лет Да и везде пишется, что более-менее известность к нему пришла после "Иосифа..." спустя три года.
    Так что неудивительно, да и другой мюзикл, скорее всего - не слишком получился. Поэтому и остались "строчкой в биографии"
    ...и долгими осенними ночами я тебя вручную вспоминал...

  19. #19
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Цитата Сообщение от Long John Посмотреть сообщение
    Зато могу "Лоэнгрина" подкинуть, от Берлинского филармонического под фон Караяном и хора Берлинской же Оперы
    Хотела здесь выложить Velvet opera, но пока искала скудную инфу по группе, нашла еще один альбом, так что сделаю про них тему в зарубежном роке
    Все время забываю о том, что психоделика отдельно от зарубежного рока ))) но - тема уже создана там, где создана.
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  20. #20
    Активный участник Аватар для Long John
    Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться
    ...и долгими осенними ночами я тебя вручную вспоминал...

  21. #21
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    Цитата Сообщение от Long John Посмотреть сообщение
    Дык, в 1965 Вебберу было 17 лет Да и везде пишется, что более-менее известность к нему пришла после "Иосифа..." спустя три года.
    Так что неудивительно, да и другой мюзикл, скорее всего - не слишком получился. Поэтому и остались "строчкой в биографии"
    The Likes of Us - согласна, не шедевр. но By Jeeves... по его мотивам и сериал сняли, и анекдотов куча ходит про Дживса и Вустера (у нас из адаптируют к сэру Генри и Бэримору )
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

  22. #22
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Цитата Сообщение от Elen Посмотреть сообщение
    The Likes of Us - согласна, не шедевр. но By Jeeves... по его мотивам и сериал сняли, и анекдотов куча ходит про Дживса и Вустера (у нас из адаптируют к сэру Генри и Бэримору )
    Эти я не слышала, а вот Иосиф не пошел у меня А я так радовалась, когда его нашла.
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  23. #23
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    Эти я не слышала, а вот Иосиф не пошел у меня А я так радовалась, когда его нашла.
    а ты фильм или аудиозапись втыкала?
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

  24. #24
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    У меня только звукозапись.
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  25. #25
    Местный Аватар для Белый Шум
    Из недавно прослушанного понравилась техно-рок-опера Виктора Аргонова Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться 2006-ого года.

  26. #26
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    У меня только звукозапись.
    есть замечательная экранизация этой вещи, с которой, собственно, и началось моё с ней знакомство. это дико милый фильмец обставленный - как и изначально сама опера - в виде школьного спектакля в сказочно-юмористической манере, что меня просто с ходу купило - до сих пор слабость к детским фильмам питаю если будет интерес - могу подогнать ДВД-дисочег с сабжем (перегонять для выкладывания геморно), для юзеров торента - этот фильм в моих раздачах найти можно.
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

  27. #27
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Цитата Сообщение от Elen Посмотреть сообщение
    есть замечательная экранизация этой вещи, с которой, собственно, и началось моё с ней знакомство. это дико милый фильмец обставленный - как и изначально сама опера - в виде школьного спектакля в сказочно-юмористической манере, что меня просто с ходу купило - до сих пор слабость к детским фильмам питаю если будет интерес - могу подогнать ДВД-дисочег с сабжем (перегонять для выкладывания геморно).
    Я знаю, что есть, ибо узнала об этой вещи, посмотрев фрагменты из экранизации. Но вот JCS например мне нравится независимо от экранизации. Хотя конечно рок-оперы и мюзиклы в идеале нужн смотреть...ну из того, что можно достать. Интерес есть.
    И глаза разбегаются от созерцания в твоем списке версий JCS, вот допустим JCS - Original Broadway Cast (1971) - это что за версия?
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  28. #28
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    И глаза разбегаются от созерцания в твоем списке версий JCS, вот допустим JCS - Original Broadway Cast (1971) - это что за версия?
    ну это как я поняла запись с первым составом бродвейской сценической постановки, о ней информации немного, по составу же это выглядит так:
    Jesus Christ - Jeff Fenholt
    Judas Iskariot - Ben Vereen
    Mary Magdalene - Yvonne Elliman
    Pontius Pilate - Barry Dennen
    Caiphas - Bob Bingham
    Annas - Phil Jethro
    Simon Zelotes - Samuel Wright
    King Herod - Paul Ainsley
    Peter - Michael Jason
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

  29. #29
    Олдовый Аватар для Джулиана
    г. Томск
    Барри Деннен и Ивонна Эллиман - это очень хорошо

    Preservation - Act 2 Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться
    Introduction to Solution
    Sung by the tramp:

    While the rich get their kicks with their affluent antics
    Mr. black sits and ponders their fate.
    He just sits in the gloom of his dimly-lit room
    Waiting for them to swallow the bait.
    While the rich run their rackets he sits in his attic
    And casually clocks their defeat.
    While the politicians cover up mistakes that they've made
    And all the promises, the lies and deceits.
    A military coup has been long overdue.
    Now there's fighting and panic in the streets.
    Amid the mass disillusion, disorder and confusion,
    He will rise now his plan is complete.
    But me, I'm only standing here
    Watching it all go on and I'm watching it all go wrong
    And it's painfully clear that the battle is near
    And I wish I could just disappear.

    While flash and his men drink champagne in their den
    And debase life with crude ostentation,
    The poor cry for more, but they're reaching the point
    Where the people can't stand any more.
    But me, I'm only standing here
    Watching it all go on, and I'm watching it all go wrong
    And it's painfully clear that the battle is near
    And I wish I could just disappear.

    When a Solution Comes
    Sung by mr. black in an attic somewhere in suburbia

    When a solution comes,
    It's gonna breathe right down on everyone.
    When a solution comes
    It's gonna cover up the clouds
    And eclipse the sun
    And black out a pale blue sky,
    And everybody's gonna be terrified,
    Because they're all going to feel the bite
    And there's going to be a revolution
    When a solution comes.
    It won't take sides with anyone
    Regardless of race or creed,
    The whole wide world is gonna feel the squeeze.
    The red, black, yellow and white
    And even the arabs and the israelites
    They're all going to feel the bite
    And there's going to be a revolution.
    I've been searching a long, long time,
    Looking for a final solution
    Searching here, searching there,
    Searching everywhere.
    Now my day has finally come
    It's time to shout to everyone
    I have waited a long, long time,
    Biding my time and waiting on the sidelines
    Watching it all go wrong.
    Witnessing the disintegration,
    Rubbing my hands in anticipation.
    Everybody's searching so desperately,
    They've got to run to someone
    And that someone's going to be me.
    Yeah, I'm gonna change the world,
    I'm going to use a little manipulation.
    I'm going to build a new civilisation.

    Money Talks
    Scene: into flash's den - a night club

    Scene: in flash's den, a night club partly converted into an office.
    Sung by flash, floosies and spivs:

    Show me a man who says he can live without bread
    And I'll show you a man who's a liar and in debt.
    There's no one alive who can't be purchased or enticed
    There's no man alive who wouldn't sell for a price,
    Money talks and we're the living proof,
    There ain't no limit to what money can do
    Money talks, money talks.

    Money can't breathe and money can't see,
    But when I pull out a fiver people listen to me.
    Money can't run and money can't walk,
    But when I write out a cheque I swear to God I hear money talk.
    Money talks and, baby, when you've been bought
    You pay attention everytime money talks.
    Money talks, money talks.

    Money talks and there's no doubt about it
    Money talks and we can't live without it,
    What's the point of living unless you've got money?
    I just couldn't function without money.
    Money talks, money talks,
    Money talks, money talks.

    Show me an upright respected man
    And I'll have him licking my boots when I put money in his hand.
    It rots your heart, it gets to your soul,
    Before you know where you are you're a slave to the green gold.
    Money talks and we're the living proof
    There ain't no limit to what money can do.
    Money talks you out of your self-respect,
    The more you crave it the cheaper you get.
    Money talks, money talks.

    Money buys you time and people listen,
    Money can buy a smile and make life worth living.
    If you're ugly money can improve you.
    I just couldn't face the world without mazuma.
    Money talks, money talks.

    Shepherds of the Nation
    Sung by mr. black the do-gooders

    Down with sex and sin,
    Down with pot, heroin.
    Down with pornography,
    Down with lust.
    Down with vice lechery and debauchery.

    We are the new centurians.
    Shepherds of the nations.
    We'll keep on our guard
    For sin and degradation.
    We are the national guard
    Against filth and depravity,
    Perversion and vulgarity,
    Keep it clean.

    Down with nudity,
    Breasts that are bare and pubic hair.
    We are here to cleanse humanity
    From the man in the raincoat's
    Pale faced glare.
    So sodomites beware.

    We are the new centurians,
    Shepherds of the nation.
    We'll keep on our guard
    For sin and degradation.
    We are the national, guard
    Against filth and depravity,
    Perversion and vulgarity,
    Keep it clean.

    I visualise a day when people will be free
    From evils like perversion and pornography.
    We'll cast out satan and we'll set the sinners free,
    So people of the nation unite.

    Put all the pervs in jail,
    Bring back the birch, and the cat of nine tails.
    Bring back corporal punishment
    Bring back the stocks
    And the axeman's block.
    Let righteousness prevail.

    Down with nudity and hard core magazines.
    We'll bring religion back
    And keep our country clean.
    Keep it clean.

    We are the new centurians
    Shepherds of the nation.
    We'll keep on our guard
    For sin and degradation.
    We are the national guard
    Against filth and depravity.
    Perversion and vulgarity,
    Keep it clean.

    Scum of the Earth
    Sung by flash, spivs & floosies.

    Flash: they call me the scum of the earth.
    They say I'm the scab of the nation.
    But deep inside I'm only human.
    Just an ordinary man.
    With ordinary plans.
    They say I'm crooked and bent,
    They call me a rogue and a villain,
    But if they could see deep inside me
    They'd see a heart that once was pure
    Before it touched the evils of this world,
    For if I cut myself I bleed
    And if I catch a cold I sneeze.
    Have I not eyes to help me see?
    Have I not lungs to help me breathe?
    Have I not hands, organs, senses
    And affections just like you?
    Stop the music.
    Well ain't I human
    Like everybody else?
    Before you condemn me my friends,
    I suggest that you look deep inside you
    For good and evil
    Exist in all of us,
    And no man is a saint
    And each creates his heaven and his hell.

    Chorus: we know that he's only a man.
    He's got feelings and faults
    Just like everyone else.

    Flash: so don't put me down because I've done well,
    For even wide boys, hoods and spivs
    Have got the right to live.

    Chorus: we know we're the scum of the earth,
    We know we're the scab of the nation,
    But we're your enemies and your brothers
    And no man is a saint
    And deep down we're all the same as one another.

    Second-Hand Car Spiv
    Sung by spiv, flash & floosies

    Spiv: I was born a slum gutter infantile,
    Brute-force educated, delinquent juvenile.
    I am a product of mass produced factory fodder,
    Streets full of tenement blocks, rat infested filth and squalor.
    I left school, went straight on the dole
    And unemployment's no enjoyment,
    Welfare state owned my mind and my body and my soul.
    So I worked my way up to be a second-hand car spiv,
    But don't judge me harshly because I'm just a slum kid.
    I built up my business with a quick wit and fist,
    So don't double-cross me or my hoods will dissect you
    With their black jacks and shiv.
    Slum kids never get a break, they've got to fight their way up.
    Wheel and deal, beg and steal,
    Sweat blood to earn a buck.
    I didn't want to work on the factory floor,
    I wasn't content, I wanted more
    Than to be a slave of a lathe,
    Work all day and go home bored.
    So a second- hand car spiv was what I became.
    I built an empire because I used my brains.

    Chorus: he was a second-hand car spiv up from the slums,
    So don't judge him harshly because he's just a slum kid.
    Then he moved into property, stocks and shares,

    Spiv: and into high finance and you've got to agree
    That running a multi-million corporation
    Sure beats selling cars second-hand.

    Chorus: once he sold old worn out heaps to the punters on the street,

    Spiv: now I'm in control of the country as a whole,
    And the world is at my feet.

    Chorus: the world is at his feet.

    Spiv: power, power, I've got power oozing out of me,
    And when you think of all the things I've done
    It says a lot for one
    Who worked his way up from the streets.
    Yes I'm a second-hand car spiv.
    Do a deal, buy and sell,
    It's my trade, I know it well.
    Make a sale, ring the bell
    And let the suckers go to hell.
    Bank the profits, count the change
    Another sucker comes your way.
    Life is a crooked game,
    And slum kids never change.

    He's Evil
    Scene: a party political broadcast -- mr. black and his followers

    He comes on smooth, cool and kind,
    But he wants your body not your mind.
    He's got style, personality,
    But he's the devil in reality.
    He'll make you laugh, make you smile,
    And make you feel good for a while.
    Wicked smile, decadent grin,
    He likes school girls, nuns and virgins.
    His skin is soft but his mind is hard,
    He'll lead you on then he'll tear you apart.
    He'll treat you rough and he will make you cry,
    And you will kiss sweet innocence good-bye.
    And once you're in there'll be no getting out,
    So look out, look out, look out, look out.
    He's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil.
    He's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil.

    He's got wit he's got charm.
    But when he gets rough he'll break your arm.
    He's got taste, manners and grace,
    But when he gets tough he'll slit your face.
    He'll buy you jewels, expensive clothes,
    Then his mind'll go and he'll bust your nose.
    He's a joker and a clown
    But he'll pervert you and drag you down.
    He comes on smooth, cool and kind,
    But he wants your body not your mind,
    He is just the devil in disguise.
    He will drag you down and he will make you cry,
    And once you're in there will be no getting out.
    So look out, look out, look out.
    Look out, look out, look out.
    He's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil.
    He's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil. he's evil.

    Mirror of Love
    Sung by belle (flash's special floosie)

    Why I love you though you treat me bad.
    'cos when I look at you I'm looking through the mirror of love.
    Oh the mirror of love and you look alright,
    'cos when I look at you I'm looking through the mirror of love.
    You're such a cool lover,
    But you're such a cruel lover,
    Treat me like I'm a fool,
    I hate you but you know I would kill for you.
    You're a mean and obscene lover,
    But I would have no other,
    Even though you treat me bad,
    You were the best man I ever had,
    'cos through the mirror of love, mirror of love,
    When I see you through the mirror of love,
    You're alright and I forget that you're bad,
    'cos when I look at you I'm looking through the mirror of love.

    Why I love you though you treat me bad,
    'cos when I look at you I'm looking through the mirror of love.
    The mirror of love you sure look alright.
    I see your reflection when I'm looking through the mirror of love.
    You're a crude and a rude lover,
    But I would have no other,
    You slap me down, treat me bad,
    You're a two-timing swine and you drive me mad.
    You're a mean and obscene lover,
    But you are my dream lover,
    'cos even though you treat me bad,
    You were the best man I ever had,
    'cos through the mirror of love, mirror of love,
    I see your reflection in the mirror of love.
    And you're alright though you treat me bad.
    When I see you I'm looking through the mirror of love.
    Oh the mirror of love, sure look alright
    'cos when I see you I'm looking through the mirror of love.

    Nobody Gives
    Sung by the tramp

    I can't understand why everybody's quarreling,
    Nobody gives in case they lose face,
    And everybody's guilty and everybody's innocent,
    And the fact of it is nobody gives any more.

    It's the same throughout all history,
    Nobody gives unless they receive,
    And nobody trusts or is willing to believe
    And nobody gives or is willing to concede.

    Back in nineteen hundred and twenty-five
    There were thousands of people struggling to survive.
    There was hunger, unemployment and poverty,
    Then in 1926 they decided to be free
    So they all went on strike and
    The workers told the unions, who blamed it on the government,
    The politicians blamed it on the strikers and the militants,
    Everybody's guilty and everybody's innocent,
    But the fact of it is nobody gives any more.

    Back in nineteen hundred and thirty-nine
    There were scores of german military waiting in a line,
    And the fatherland wanted what the world wouldn't give,
    And then hitler decided he could take what was his,
    So they all went to war and said
    Kill all the left-wing intellectuals,
    Annihilate the jews and wipe out their race,
    Eliminate the weak because they're ineffectual,
    And the fact of it is nobody gives any more.

    I'm only sitting here watching it all go on
    And listening to both sides.
    Yeah, why can't we talk it out,
    Why can't we sort it out,
    We'll work it out if we try.
    Why can't we sit down and work out a compromise,
    Why not negotiate and try to be civilised?
    I'll tell you why, because nobody gives a damn.
    Nobody listens and no one will understand.
    Yet I'm wondering, sitting here wondering,
    And listening to both sides.
    Why can't we work it out?
    Why can't we sort it out?
    We'll work it out if we try.
    Why can't we sit down and work out a compromise,
    Why not negotiate and try to be civilised?
    I'll tell you why, because nobody gives a damn.
    Nobody listens and no one will understand.
    Yet, I'm wondering, sitting here wondering,
    Yet I'm wondering, sitting here wondering
    Listening to both sides.
    Nobody gives, nobody gives, nobody gives.

    The workers told the unions who blamed it on the government,
    The politicians blamed it on the strikers and the militants,
    Everybody's guilty and everybody's innocent.

    Nobody gives. nobody gives a damn any more.
    The politicians, unions, workers and the militants,
    The fact of it is nobody gives any more.

    Oh Where Oh Where Is Love?
    Sung by: the tramp and the do-gooders

    In a world full of jive,
    Full of homicide and suicide,
    There's no room for love and romance.
    In a world full of spite
    Full of hatefulness and bitterness,
    Sincerity don't stand a chance.
    And every night I close my eyes
    And ask the stars above,
    Oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where is love?

    Where is love and romance,
    And appreciation of storybooks, fairytales
    And the ordinary things people did long ago.
    Where did it go?
    Where is love?
    Where is hope?
    Where is sympathy and trust?
    Where is faith?
    Where is joy in simplicity?
    And where is regard and respect?
    Oh where, oh where is love?
    This world is spinning and turning
    And my head is full of learning,
    But my thoughts keep on returning
    To the things I used to know.
    I should be stronger,
    But my mind continually wanders
    And deep inside
    A voice keeps crying
    Where, oh where is love?

    Where is love and romance,
    And appreciation of storybooks, fairytales,
    And the ordinary things people did long ago?
    Where did it go?
    In a world full of jive,
    Full of homicide and suicide,
    There's no room for love and romance.
    In a world full of rape,
    Full of hatefulness and bitterness,
    Sincerity don't stand a chance.
    And every night I close my eyes
    And ask the stars above,
    Oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where is love?
    Where oh where is love?
    Where is love?
    Where is hope?
    Where is sympathy and trust?
    Where is faith?
    Where is joy and simplicity
    And where is regard and respect?
    Oh where, oh where is love?
    Oh where oh where is love?
    Oh where oh where is love?

    Flash's Dream (The Final Elbow)
    Scene: mr. black's army is closing in on flash & the spivs.
    After a long day's campaigning flash, having overindulged
    The alcohol, has fallen asleep in his den.

    Voice: cooee. cooee. flash. flash

    Flash: who is this?

    Voice: wake up flash. can you hear me flash?

    Flash: who is this? who dares to wake me from my slumber?

    Voice: need I announce myself? am I such a stranger to you?

    Flash: say your name. speak!

    Voice: I am your soul.

    Flash: my soul?

    Voice: I have come to show you who you are.

    Flash: show me who I am? I know who I am you upstart! how
    Dare you intrude.

    Voice: you lied and schemed and took over a simple village and
    Turned it into a vulgar playground for your own money-
    Making ends. before you came people lived simple lives.
    This was a happy place. then you ploughed up the fields,
    Sold off the land and lined your own pockets with the profits.

    Flash: lies! lies! I did it to help the nation

    Voice: you did it for your own preservation!

    Flash: no! no!

    Voice: prepare yourself flash, there are many who suffered at your
    Hands. they are craving for vengeance. time is running out.

    Flash: can this be the end? can this be the swan song? the final
    Elbow? I will not go. the people need me.

    Voice: men like you will always come and go, but the people will go
    On forever. take one final look at the past flash. enjoy it,
    Because you have no future.

    Flash: no! no! no! I can't stand this.

    Trumpets herald the final confrontation between flash and himself.

    Flash's Confession
    I've just had a dream that I never will forget,
    And I wish I could erase.
    I was standing on the street with a whole crowd of people
    And no one knew my name.
    And I was just another face
    No one looked at me or touched me
    Spoke to or acknowledged me.
    I had no identity or individuality
    No thoughts of my own, no mind or personality.
    I was just a no one, a total nonentity
    I'm just a number waiting to be called.
    It is time for confessing it all,
    I'm just another face,
    Yes, it's time for confessing it all.
    Been a cheat, been a crook,
    Never gave I always took.
    Crushed people to acquire
    Anything that I desired.
    Been deceitful and a liar
    Now I'm facing hell fire.
    I can't believe that my time has come
    For confessing all the evil
    And the wrong that I've done.
    The reckoning's come
    And now I'm just a no one.
    I confess to the timid and the meek
    To the cripples and the beggars
    And the tramps in the street.
    I confess my cruelty, my ego and conceit,
    I've opened up my body and looked inside
    And I'm everything that I once despised.
    I confess for the thieves,
    The affected and deranged,
    I confess for the muggers and incurably insane,
    I confess to the ugly for being vain,
    I confess to those I hurt for causing them pain.
    I'm just a number
    Waiting to be called
    And it's time for confessing it all,
    And I'm just another face,
    And it is time for confessing it all,
    Yes, it's time for confessing it all,
    Yes, it's time for confessing it all.

    Nothing Lasts Forever
    Scene: flash is on the run and he goes to belle for help.
    He sings this song with belle.

    Flash: when we were young and green
    We shared our dreams together,
    And you were my friend.

    Belle: we had our good times pal,
    We thought they'd last forever.
    But nothing lasts forever,
    Nothing lasts forever.
    Time goes by and people change
    It's best we go our separate ways
    And it was wrong to think our love would never end
    My friend
    Nothing lasts forever,
    Nothing lasts forever.
    Time goes by it takes us all,
    Nations crumble and empires fall
    And who are we
    To think that we would always be,
    You see nothing lasts forever,
    Nothing lasts forever.

    Flash: I know that you'll survive
    And you'll get by whatever.
    Though you say goodbye.
    My love will never die,
    It will last forever.

    Your love will die but mine will last forever,
    Your love will fade but mine will last forever.
    Your feeling might go but mine will last forever.
    And though you're gone you're in my mind forever.

    Artificial Man
    Scene: after his capture, flash is taken to a secret hideout to have
    His brain cleansed, and his mind conditioned.
    Flash, mr. black and the mad scientist sing:

    Flash: I can't believe it's happening
    I just want to stay the way that I am.
    I don't want to live a lie in an artificial world.

    Mr black: let's build an antiseptic world,
    Full of artificial people.
    Cure all diseases, conquer pain
    And monitor the human brain,
    And see what thoughts you're thinking.
    Observe your feelings,
    Secret fears,
    Controlling everything you say and do
    And we will build a master race
    To live within our artificial world.
    Tell it to the people all across the land,
    We're going to build an artificial man
    With the physique of a tarzan
    And the profile of a cary grant,
    A superior being
    Totally made by hand.
    Throw out imperfection,
    Mould you section by section,
    Gonna make you the ultimate creation.

    Flash: I can visualise the day
    When the world will be controlled by artificial people,
    But I don't want to live a lie in an artificial world.

    Mr black: tell the world that we finally did it,
    Made a man that's totally programmed,
    Preconditioned thoughts and emotions,

    Push-button artificial man.
    Did you ever want to live forever?
    Well here's your chance to be a total automaton
    'cos we've improved on god's creation
    An outdated homo sapien.
    Make you taller if you want it
    Make your hair grow longer if you need it.
    If it doesn't exist then I guess we can breed it.
    There'll be no disagreements,
    We'll dedicate our lives to achievements,
    And organise your life and keep it totally planned.

    Flash: I can visualise the day
    When the world will be controlled by artificial people,
    But I don't want to live a lie in an artificial world.

    Mr black tell the world we finally did it.
    & mad modified the population,
    Scientist:put your senses and your mind
    Under constant observation
    Even when you're dreaming.
    Replaced your nose, heart and lungs,
    So shake me with your artificial hand.
    We went and built a master race
    To live within our artificial world.

    Scrapheap City
    Sung by: belle and the floosies
    (as flash's empire is being dismantled piece by piece)

    There ain't no beauty
    And there ain't no style,
    There's no quality
    And there's no purity.
    Honour's dead and buried
    Because it's unnecessary.

    Look at all the people,
    Why they all look the same.
    They're walking to the factory
    In their cloth caps and trilbies.
    They've got no style,
    Ain't it a pity.

    They're tearing old quality down
    Without any pity,
    Now they're coming to take me away
    To scrapheap city.
    They say that good manners belong on a heap,
    They say they're outdated and they're obsolete,
    And now they're coming to take me away
    To scrapheap city.

    There's no quality
    And there ain't no style
    Just miles and miles
    Of scrapheap piles.
    There's no quality
    And there's no purity.
    They're digging up all of the flowers
    Because they look pretty
    And erecting identical concrete monstrosities.
    They're killing off all of the animals too,
    The only ones left are the ones in the zoo.
    Now they're coming to take me away
    To scrapheap city.
    Ain't it a pity,
    Scrapheap city.

    Salvation Road
    Sung by everybody

    Hear me brothers, hear me sisters,
    Citizens and comrades hear my song.
    The old life's dead the order's changing
    It's time for all of us to move along.

    Got no time to live a life
    With old worn-out traditions
    Swallowed my pride,
    Changed my ways,
    And found a new religion.
    There you go.

    Sick and tired of living on loans,
    Driving around in a car that I don't own.
    Tired of looking at wealthy faces
    Flying off to far out places.
    The workers of the world
    Shall give the profits to the people.
    Class will disappear
    And we will live our lives as equals.
    There you go.

    And we'll all walk along
    And we'll all sing a song
    And we'll all mark time as we go.
    Yes, we'll all walk along
    And we'll all sing a song
    As we walk down salvation road.

    Goodbye youth, goodbye dreams,
    The good times and the friends I used to know.
    Goodbye freedom, hello fear,
    A brave new world has suddenly appeared.
    Got to be hard,
    Don't look back
    And no more reminiscing.
    Times are rough,
    We've got to be tough,
    And concentrate on living.
    There you go.

    And we'll all join hands,
    And we'll all march along
    And we'll all mark time as we go.
    Yes, we'll all walk along,
    And we'll sing a song,
    As we walk down salvation road.

    We'll all walk along
    And we'll all sing a song
    And we'll all mark time as we go.
    Yes, we'll all walk along
    And we'll all sing a song
    As we walk down salvation road.
    Принцип «око за око» оставит весь мир слепым.
    (Махатма Ганди)

  30. #30
    Местный Аватар для Elen
    весь мир
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    Орфея и Эвридику тоже хочу.
    И - если есть - то немного информации об Алых парусах.
    А-ап! и как кролик из шляпы - что может быть прощё?
    "Алые паруса"
    Музыка и стихи А. Богословского
    ВИА "МУЗЫКА". Руководитель Н. Воробьев

    Ассоль - Т. Шабельникова
    Грэй - С. Станишевский
    Сказочник - Ю. Слободкин
    Отец Грэя
    I помощник капитана - Н. Воробьев
    Мать Грэя - Н. Киреева
    II помощник капитана - В. Романцев
    Горожане - Вокальная группа
    ВИА "Музыка"
    Звукорежиссер В. Беднов
    Редактор В. Рыжиков

    МУЗЫКА, российский вокально-инструментальный ансамбль, организованный в 1974 Николаем Воробьевым. Носил также название «камерный ВИА», подчеркивавший характер исполняемой музыки. В составе «МУЗЫКИ» изначально была скрипичная группа, что выделяло ее из всех других вокально-инструментальных ансамблей той поры. Солистами группы был сам Николай Воробьев, а также Сергей Станишевкий. В «МУЗЫКЕ» начинала карьеру известная в будущем эстрадная солистка Ольга Зарубина. Визитной карточкой ансамбля на долгие годы стала песня Я полечу (О. Писаржевская — А. Монастырев).
    Апогеем творчества «МУЗЫКИ» по праву считается запись оперы-феерии «Алые Паруса» (1976). Автором музыки и слов этого произведений был Андрей Богословский. Трансляция записи оперы в эфире первой программы всесоюзного радио была незабываемым событием для меломанов Советского Союза. К сожалению, коллективу не удалось осуществить постановку «Алых парусов» на московской сцене (планировалось это сделать в Театре Эстрады). Полностью на сцене она была показана только в Кирове (родина А. Грина), а фрагменты из нее постоянно исполнялись на концертах ВИА. (здесь неточность - полный концертный вариант все-таки исполнялся в Москве - на небольших площадках. - Go2006) В 1983 году «Алые паруса» вышли в виде двойного альбома на фирме «Мелодия», однако интерес к этому произведению по прошествии 7 лет был уже в значительной мере потерян.
    1. Увертюра 0:59
    2. Пролог 2:09
    3. У ручья 2:08
    4. Сцена Ассоль и Сказочника 7:36
    5. Проводы Грэя 5:40
    6. Накануне 2:58
    7. Сцена Ассоль и Грэя 4:30
    8. В трактире 11:48
    9. В трактире (окончание) 3:33
    10. Покупка 7:54
    11. На корабле 6:34
    12. На корабле (окончание) 2:49
    13. На городской площади 13:36
    14. Эпилог 1:24

    и "Орфей и Эвридика" тут Чтобы увидеть ссылку вы должны зарегистрироваться и ещё некоторые запрашиваемые вещи там же
    Цитата Сообщение от Джулиана Посмотреть сообщение
    в частности меня интересует Маленький принц
    есть видеоспектакль
    Если вы считаете, что хуже уже некуда - у вас просто проблемы с фантазией (c)

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